
Drug Policy; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency


Sam Creekmore IV


2023 Session

Approved by the Governor

Latest Action

On March 15, the Governor signed HB 231 into law.

Explanation of the Bill

House Bill 231 would direct the Mississippi Department of Mental Health to develop and implement a “statewide fentanyl and drug abuse education, prevention, and cessation program.” The program would be required to include the following components: 

  • The use of mass media to educate about the health hazards of fentanyl and other drugs. This could include “television, radio and print advertising, as well as sponsorship, exhibits and other opportunities to raise awareness statewide.”
  • “Materials, curricula, and programs” that could be used in schools and other locations to educate youth about the dangers of drug abuse.
  • Local community programs that discourage the use of fentanyl and other drugs. This could include partnerships with local community organizations. 
  • Other programs to help people discontinue their use of fentanyl and other drugs. 
  • A surveillance and evaluation system that monitors program results, develops public reports regarding the use of program funding, and develops annual recommendations for program improvements. 

HB 231 appears to be an effort to combat an increasing number of drug overdose deaths in the state. Individuals under the age of 35 are at an increased risk of dying from overdoses, which is likely the reason that the program would place an emphasis on young people.

1/5/23On January 5, HB 231 was referred to the House Drug Policy Committee.
1/25/23On January 25, the House Drug Policy Committee amended and passed HB 231.
2/7/23On February 7, the House amended and passed HB 231.
2/13/23On February 13, HB 231 was referred to the Senate Drug Policy Committee and the Senate Accountability, Efficiency, and Transparency Committee.
2/24/23On February 24, the Senate Drug Policy Committee passed HB 231.
2/28/23On February 28, the Senate Accountability, Efficiency, and Transparency Committee passed HB 231.
3/2/23On March 2, the Senate passed HB 231.
3/15/23On March 15, the Governor signed HB 231 into law.