


Dennis DeBar


2023 Session

Approved by Governor

Latest Action

On April 17, the Governor signed SB 2812 into law.

Explanation of the Bill

As introduced, Senate Bill 2812 would extend the date of the repeal on a provision that authorizes the Mississippi Board of Education to appoint a five-member school board in school districts that have been taken over by the state. Under this provision, the State Board can choose to appoint school board members in districts that have been deemed “eligible to return to local control.” The provision is currently set to be repealed on July 1, 2023; SB 2812 would extend the date of repeal until July 1, 2026. 

On February 28, the House Education Committee passed a “strike-all” amendment to SB 2812. As amended, the bill would still accomplish its original purpose of allowing the State Board to appoint school board members to previously-failing districts that have been returned to local control. 

In addition, it would authorize the implementation of community schools within the state’s Districts of Innovation and add to the list of goals that all Districts of Innovation could choose to work towards. The provisions put forth in the bill are identical to ones that were originally introduced in HB 1228, which has died.

1/16/23On January 16, SB 2812 was referred to the Senate Education Committee.
1/31/23On January 31, the Senate Education Committee passed SB 2812.
2/7/23On February 7, the Senate passed SB 2812.
2/13/23On February 13, SB 2812 was referred to the House Education Committee.
2/28/23On February 28, the House Education Committee passed a “strike-all” amendment to SB 2812.
3/7/23On March 7, the House passed SB 2812 as amended.
3/14/23On March 14, the Senate invited conference on SB 2812. Senate conferees include Dennis DeBar, David Blount, and John Polk. House conferees include Richard Bennett, Kent McCarty, and Rob Roberson. 
3/27/23On March 27, House and Senate conferees filed a conference report for SB 2812 that removes the House amendment to the bill.
3/28/23On March 28, the House and Senate adopted the conference report for SB 2812. The bill is now awaiting the Governor’s signature.
4/17/23On April 17, the Governor signed SB 2812 into law.