Mississippi First compiles its achievements and financial results each year into an Annual Report corresponding to our most recently completed fiscal year. Each Annual Report takes a broad view of the year behind and sets the stage for the years ahead.

2024 Year in Review

After successfully advocating the passage and expansion of the Early Learning Collaborative Act, Mississippi’s state-funded pre-K program, we are dedicated to ensuring quality as the program scales, protecting our gains since 2013, and deepening our work in the 0-5 space through research and advocacy.

We support high-quality charter schools and are dedicated to creating the conditions for high-quality seat growth, including supporting new school incubation, access to facilities, new talent pipelines, quality initiatives, and advocacy.

As part of our educator pipeline work, we support and advocate policy solutions that will increase equitable access to quality teachers and leaders.

The pandemic showcased the ways in which our education system serves many students poorly. Within our future of schools focus area, we research and promote policy solutions to the challenges that impact the future of schools.

Previous Annual Reports